Personal Touch…

Even if you see AI doing most of what humans do.

What is missed is the personal touch,

That presence of a person,

That human imperfection,

That human blood & sweat,

That human hope & uncertainty,

That magical way of things turning,

That unsurety and still cruising.

In the end, humans are humans, and AI is AI.

10% better…

In the 1950s, British cycling teams struggled internationally. They adopted a philosophy of marginal gains, aiming to do everything just a bit better. By consistently improving bit by bit, British cyclists eventually dominated the Olympics.

Aim for 10% better each time; history shows it can lead to extraordinary results.

Good or Bad Pain…

There are two types of pain, one is good pain and the other is bad pain.

When you proactively act and take pain to achieve something, it’s good pain.

When you reactively suffer and take pain as a result of not acting, it’s bad pain.

Either way, you have to take the pain, the choice is ours. What kind of pain do we want?

The end goal is what matters…

However you do it, all that matters is what you delivered, what you achieved not how.

It does not matter to you how you got your package delivered, what environment was killed to do it, who suffered, who or what got wasted. All you want to see is nice things with nice packages, and that’s what you get.

People value most is the end goal not the means.

But the sustenance of humans didn’t come from end goals, it came from those means you took, those killing, those wastages & those rugged path you took to get to end goal at any costs.

If it works as expected?

If things always work as expected there will be no innovation. It’s when things break, and make us struggle the magic happens.

So let’s not worry if things are not working as expected, embrace the struggle, embrace the unexpected, and innovate.

Most of the path breakers came out of struggle and failure.

I can’t say it…

What’s the harm in saying?

Worst case it will lead to rejection,

Worst case it will lead to failure,

Worst case it will lead to laugh from others,

Worst case it will lead to being an outcast,

But there is a 50% chance if you say it:

You will get selected,

You will succeed,

You will get applauded for being bold,

You will be followed by others.

So let’s take that chance, let’s be bold and say it.