How to unlearn?

First, impose new constraints to combat old habits. When you’ve habitually performed a skill one way for years, it becomes cognitively ingrained – your brain won’t let you try it a new way. Placing constraints on how you do something – for example, challenging yourself to write an essay without any adverbs, or paint a … Read more

Pain is a condition of the mind…

Pain is a mental condition… Pain is ultimately a mind condition if you can control the mind, you can control it. Imagine the power you have if you can control pain, there will be no ego, there will be no fear, there will be no worries.

At least show what you do…

Sharing your efforts, even minimally, is crucial. It builds credibility, creates opportunities, and invites valuable feedback. Regular updates keep you accountable and tell your story. In a competitive world, don’t let your hard work go unnoticed. Show what you’re doing—it could lead to your next breakthrough.

Education: Flexibility in Career Choices

Many students and parents today consider alternative career paths like sports or music. While these can be rewarding, traditional education offers unique benefits worth considering: Balanced Dedication Careers in sports or music often require intense, full-time commitment with no guarantee of success. Educational paths, while demanding, typically allow for a more balanced lifestyle and offer … Read more