Dark side…

The great irony of existence is that what makes life worth living does not come from the rosy side. We would all rather be merry makers, but life will not allow it. The enery to live comes from the dark side. It comes from everything that makes us suffer. As we struggle against these negative powers, we are forced to live more deeply, more fully.

So acknowledging this dark side makes you more convincing?

Offcourse, yes, because you are more truthful. One of the life principles is the understanding that we all live in dread. Fear is when you dont know whats going to happen. Dread is when you know whats going to happen and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Death is a great dread; we all live in an ever shrinking shadow of time against it, and between now and then all kind of things could happen.

Most of us repress this dread. We get rid of it by inflicting it on other people through sarcasm, cheating, abuse, indifference – cruelties great and small. We all commit these little evils that relieve the pressure and make us feel better.

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