Made a little progress…

Even if you made a little progress, it’s good, it’s not zero, it’s something. Keep making progress, even if it’s tiny compared to what you expect and slowly it will grow bigger, and better. That’s how the life spans out one day at a time. Remember this, Days are longer but decades are short!

Time is Diamond…

We often talk about money being valuable, but the real treasure in life is time. Unlike money, time can never be earned back once it’s gone. It’s a finite resource that keeps ticking away, unaffected by our wants or status. While you can regain lost wealth or restore your health, lost time is gone forever. … Read more

Winning Isn’t the End: How to Keep Your Drive Alive…

It’s a fascinating and common phenomenon that some people experience a dip in interest or motivation after achieving a goal. This can happen because the thrill of the chase often outweighs the satisfaction of the catch. When you’re striving for something, the journey, the challenges, and the uncertainties fuel your drive. Once you’ve attained the … Read more

You can start over…

Whatever happens the best part in life is you can start over. Even if you make terrible mistakes knowingly or unknowingly, you can hit the reset button. So don’t worry about mistakes and live with good ethical codes for the rest you can always start over.

Be Greedy…

Be greedy. Do things that cater to yourself and your family. Get the riches, the bigger house, the bigger car. Yes, you need motivation for everything you do. What’s the easiest and surest way of getting it? It is by being greedy.