How to unlearn?

First, impose new constraints to combat old habits. When you’ve habitually performed a skill one way for years, it becomes cognitively ingrained – your brain won’t let you try it a new way. Placing constraints on how you do something – for example, challenging yourself to write an essay without any adverbs, or paint a picture without using the color red – helps you force your brain to approach things differently.

Second, find a coach. Unlearning requires you to perform a skill and monitor your performance simultaneously. That takes up a lot of mental bandwidth. Finding a coach who can monitor your performance and suggest adjustments based on real-time feedback allows you to focus solely on your performance.

Third, don’t rebuild, or renovate. Unlearning skills don’t always require you to start from scratch. If your skills are built on a solid foundation, aim to augment your performance rather than overhaul it completely.

Education: Flexibility in Career Choices

Many students and parents today consider alternative career paths like sports or music. While these can be rewarding, traditional education offers unique benefits worth considering:

Balanced Dedication

Careers in sports or music often require intense, full-time commitment with no guarantee of success. Educational paths, while demanding, typically allow for a more balanced lifestyle and offer more predictable outcomes.

Financial Stability and Lower Risk

Alternative careers often involve significant upfront costs and financial risks. Education generally provides a more stable return on investment and is less vulnerable to career-ending setbacks.

Course Correction Opportunities

Perhaps the biggest advantage of education is the ability to change direction. An engineering graduate can later pursue law or public service with additional study. This flexibility is much harder to achieve in specialized fields like sports or music.


While passion is crucial in any career, education provides a solid foundation for personal growth and career evolution. It offers the freedom to explore various paths while maintaining stability and flexibility in your professional life.

How to be the best manager…

Here are the 3 steps to do it:

  1. Get the right person with ownership intent in your team. The skillset does not matter look at the attitude.
  2. Think about their growth, their career, and how it can be tied to the work that you are assigning. Show the link between work and their growth.
  3. Have clear expectations set with the reason of why we are doing, what we are doing. Keep repeating these expectations as much as possible.

Keep doing the above 3 steps and you will have the best team and will become the best manager.

Feel the enjoyment…

Whatever you are doing even if it is under pressure for a job. If you can make yourself feel the enjoyment of the process and progress. You will in the end start enjoying it.

So don’t worry about what others are saying or doing, you feel the enjoyment. And cut the crap of doing what you want, what you like, because those are whimsical and will change a dime a dozen.

The best way is to enjoy what you are doing and live happily.