The Sound of Sleepers…

Have you ever noticed that we never have a problem with the noise our own slippers make while walking? While we have problem when others make the same noise, it’s a subtle reminder that we judge others much more critically than ourselves.

I remember an incident at a party. While browsing the buffet, I spotted a ring on the ground. It was an iron ring, often referred to in Hindu culture as a “ghode ki naal ring” (horse shoe ring), and is considered auspicious.

Looking at it, I thought to myself, “Whose ring is this? It looks so pathetic.” I didn’t pick it up, but showed it to a couple of friends, asking whose ring it was. Then it hit me—it was my ring. I had dropped it without noticing it.

As soon as I realized it was my ring, my perception changed and it was no longer pathetic. I wondered how I could have judged it so harshly. I quickly picked it up and wore it again. This incident made me realize how fast and cruel our judgments can be when something seems to belong to someone else, compared to when it’s our own.

This experience was a powerful reminder of the biases we hold. When we perceive something as ours, we are more forgiving and understanding. But when it belongs to someone else, our judgments can be swift and harsh. It’s a lesson in empathy and self-awareness, highlighting the need to check our biases and be kinder in our judgments.

Next time you hear the sound of your slippers, remember: the noise isn’t bothersome because it’s yours. Extend that understanding to others, and the world will be a more compassionate place.

Feel the enjoyment…

Whatever you are doing even if it is under pressure for a job. If you can make yourself feel the enjoyment of the process and progress. You will in the end start enjoying it.

So don’t worry about what others are saying or doing, you feel the enjoyment. And cut the crap of doing what you want, what you like, because those are whimsical and will change a dime a dozen.

The best way is to enjoy what you are doing and live happily.

Make commitments to yourself…

If you make commitments to yourself, there is a good chance you will do it.

But what’s hard is committing to yourself.

Two things are required for that,

First, need to know what has to be accomplished.

Second, need to know why it has to be accomplished.

Once you have both it’s easy to make the commitment and do it, and the when becomes clear.

What u saved today?

In the end, what u saved for yourself in a day is what u learnt.

That learning is what will earn you a better tomorrow and it can come from any sources books, meetings, your interactions with others, your boss, your peers, your enemies (if you say so).

Hence when you ponder over your day in the end, don’t look for errors or mistakes or judgments, look for learnings you earned that day, to make yourself better tomorrow.

Sleep is the best medicine…

Whatever your problem is, whatever your worry is, whatever your stress is, sleep it out.

Sleep can change fortunes, sleep can make your decisions turn right, and sleep can make you lucky.

So many advantages of sleep, yet it is the least important for us.

So take advantage of sleep, sleep it out!


Insecurity consumes you.

One of our greatest enemies is insecurity: insecurity about not having enough money, insecurity about not getting that job, insecurity about not achieving something important.

What we often fail to realize is that if we focus on our work and stay consistent, there’s no need to feel insecure.

Tiring days…

Some days can be very tiring, but these are the days that take you forward.

It helps you test your limits, it brings out your stress levels to the test.

And if you can sail through these tiring days, exciting days will happen!

Keep your mouth shut…

Boosting yourself up can easily stir up jealousy, which hurts both the person boasting and those listening. Instead of stirring up these negative emotions, keep your mouth shut. Listen more and genuinely engage with others. By showing interest in their wins and struggles, you build connections instead of barriers.

Stay humble and grounded, knowing that everyone’s on their unique journey. Empathize and uplift others, because that creates stronger bonds than any boastful word ever could. It’s not about shrinking yourself; it’s about lifting others up with kindness, being real, and recognizing that empathy is more